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Our Mission

The Youth Coding League offers access to education, exploration, and mentorship to foster talent to fuel local companies and help individuals develop highly demanded skills for careers in the tech economy. Children are growing up in a world immersed in technology—give them a head start with our youth programs.

Why This is Important

Computer programming jobs are one of the most needed, fastest growing, and highest paid occupations now and will be for the future. These skills are critically important to students and the jobs of the future. However, most schools in our region either don't teach these skills, or aren't able because of knowledge gaps, resources, accessibility, etc.

Youth Coding League kids working on a group project.

Preparing for the Digital Future

Introductory and intermediate programs for youth and young adults that teach basic programming and problem-solving skills that will benefit them no matter what career they choose.

Builds Logic adn Problem-Solving Skills

The computer science and programming skills youth are learning instill logical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as how to think systematically.

Creates Confidence and Resiliency

Youth who may not be textbook academic achievers are excelling in the Youth Coding League.

Serving Rural Schools in Southeast Missouri and Beyond

Growth of the Youth Coding League over its first six semesters:

Youth Coding League growth infographic. 17 schools, 350 students, 1 state.Youth Coding League growth infographic. 45 schools, 800 students, 3 state.Youth Coding League growth infographic. 50 schools, 1300 students, 5 state.

2021-2022 Youth Coding League Expenses

(for one school of 1-10 coders)


Sponsorship Tiers

It is our goal to always offer the Youth Coding League for free to schools. In the past, we have been able to do so by applying for grants and because of a very generous donor. You can help make sure the Youth Coding League continues to be offered for free to your school. All support directly supports your school, is tax deductible, and made to the Codefi Foundation on Rural Innovation, a 501(c)3 non-profit.

Here are some suggested ways to support your school:

$175 - Student Support

Support one student. This is the average cost per student per semester when there are 40 schools with an average of 15 students per team.

$600 - Coach Stipend

Support one coach. This is how much the Youth Coding League pays a teacher to lead students for a semester. Schools generally have one coach per 20-25 students.

$2,500 - School Semester

Support one semester. This is roughly the average cost per school per semester when there are 40 schools. This covers all gear for every student: jerseys, hats, earbuds, and stickers. It includes each student getting individual statistics on their coder profile, team rankings, Epic tracking for students, and championship awards. This covers the stipend for the coach. This covers all costs associated with Youth Coding League operations that sets students, coaches, and schools up for success as well as the entirety of student and school features on

$5,000 - School Year

Support one school year (two semesters). This is roughly the average cost per school per year when there are 40 schools. This covers all gear for every student: jerseys, hats, earbuds, and stickers. It includes each student getting individual statistics on their coder profile, team rankings, Epic tracking for students, and championship awards. This covers the stipend for the coach. This covers all costs associated with Youth Coding League operations that sets students, coaches, and schools up for success as well as the entirety of student and school features on

To Support Your Team, Contact Us!